I thought I'd start a new post category called
WishList. I'll use it to post about things I've seen in stores or online, or even imagined, that I'd love to have but will have to settle for adding them to my
WishList. Maybe someday I can look back at all the posts and select a few items to add to my wardrobe.
To start things off, here's an item I stumbled upon online today on the website for the Swedish store
Kii. The web shop is in Swedish but I've been getting pretty good at navigating online shops in foreign languages!
Ingrid with Chai, by Fe Sweden |
I love the classic look of this pocket watch necklace and the antique style it portrays. Too bad it's 650 Swedish Kroner (like $102!) Maybe it will still be around
and be on sale when I'm back in Sweden in June. A girl can dream.
While I'm in a dreaming mood. I need a dress for a wedding this summer. Maybe this $400 dress from Kii will go on sale as well... Do you think it's wedding appropriate? With a black slip underneath? I think it's gorgeous. Unfortunately it costs more than many of my plane tickets.
Summer Jr by Rodebjer |
Photos from the Kii website. |